Given n nodes labeled from 0 to n-1 and a list of undirected edges (each edge is a pair of nodes), write a function to check whether these edges make up a valid tree.
class UF{
private int[] parent;
private int[] size;
private int count;
public UF(int n){
parent = new int[n];
size = new int[n];
count = n;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) parent[i]=i;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) size[i]=1;
private int find(int x){
if(parent[x] != x) parent[x]=find(parent[x]);
return parent[x];
private void union(int x, int y){
int root_x = find(x);
int root_y = find(y);
if(root_x == root_y) return;
if(size[root_x] > size[root_y]){
parent[root_y] = root_x;
parent[root_x] = root_y;
public boolean validTree(int n, int[][] edges) {
// 節點跟邊的關係
if(n-1 != edges.length) return false;
UF uf = new UF(n);
// 是否形成環
for(int[] edge: edges){
if(uf.find(edge[0]) == uf.find(edge[1])) return false;
uf.union(edge[0], edge[1]);
return true;
1396t. Set Union
There is a list composed by sets. If two sets have the same elements, merge them. In the end, there are several sets left.
Init a int[] with -1 to represent the parentID of num
Union the groups if the num has initialized
class UF{
int[] parent;
int[] size;
int count;
public UF(int n){
parent = new int[n];
size = new int[n];
count = n;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
parent[i] = i;
size[i] = 1;
public int find(int x){
if(parent[x] != x) parent[x] = find(parent[x]);
return parent[x];
public void union(int x, int y){
int root_x = find(x);
int root_y = find(y);
if(root_x == root_y) return;
if(size[root_x] < size[root_y]){
parent[root_x] = root_y;
size[root_y] += size[root_x];
parent[root_y] = root_x;
size[root_x] += size[root_y];
public class Solution {
public int setUnion(int[][] sets) {
UF uf = new UF(sets.length);
int[] groupOfnum = new int[100001];
// mark as -1 as don't have group yet
for(int i=0; i<groupOfnum.length; i++){
groupOfnum[i] = -1;
for(int i=0; i<sets.length; i++){
for(int j=0; j<sets[i].length; j++){
if(groupOfnum[sets[i][j]] == -1){
groupOfnum[sets[i][j]] = i;
uf.union(i, uf.find(groupOfnum[sets[i][j]]));
groupOfnum[sets[i][j]] = i;
return uf.count;