Given integer n
int[] digits
int len
while(len > 0){
digits[len--] = n%10;
13. Roman to Integer
Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer.
The answer is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
7 characters
Add number from left to right
Test if left char is smaller than cur char
def romanToInt(self, s: str) -> int:
dic = {'I':1, 'V':5, 'X':10, 'L':50, 'C':100, 'D':500, 'M':1000}
num = dic[s[0]]
for i in range(1, len(s)):
num += dic[s[i]]
if dic[s[i]] > dic[s[i-1]]:
num -= dic[s[i-1]]*2
return num
12 Integer to Roman
Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral.
The number is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999.
13 strings
倍數數字 = 該roman number 重複數
def intToRoman(self, num: int) -> str:
intList = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1]
romanList = ["M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I"]
ans = ''
for i in range(13):
while num >= intList[i]:
ans += romanList[i]
num -= intList[i]
return ans
8. String to Integer(atoi)
Leetcode 8
Use long store
The number could be bigger than Long
def myAtoi(self, str: str) -> int:
str = str.strip(' ')
num = 0
isNeg = False
for c in str:
if not c.isdigit():
if c == '-': isNeg = True
if not isNeg:
if (num > (2**31)//10) or (num == 2**31//10 and int(c) > 7): return 2**31-1
if isNeg:
if (num > (2**31)//10) or (num == 2**31//10 and int(c) > 8): return -2**31
num = num*10 + int(c)
return num if not isNeg else -num
50. Pow(x, n)
def myPow(self, x: float, n: int) -> float:
if n == 0: return 1
isExpPositive = True
if n < 0:
n = -n
isExpPositive = False
num = 1
while n :
if n%2:
num *= x
x *= x
n = int(n/2)
return num if isExpPositive else 1/num
69. Sqrt
def mySqrt(self, x: int) -> int:
if x < 2:
return x
start, end = 2, x//2 - 1
while start < end:
mid = (start + end)//2
if mid**2 > x:
end = mid
elif mid**2 < x:
start = mid + 1
return mid
return start - 1
273 Integer to English Word
Convert a non-negative integer to its english words representation. Given input is guaranteed to be less than 231 - 1.
def numberToWords(self, num: int) -> str:
LESS_THAN_20 = ['', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve','Thirteen', 'Fourteen', 'Fifteen', 'Sixteen', 'Seventeen', 'Eighteen', 'Nineteen']
TEN = ['', 'Ten', 'Twenty', 'Thirty', 'Forty', 'Fifty', 'Sixty', 'Seventy', 'Eighty', 'Ninety']
THOUSAND = ['Billion', 'Million', 'Thousand', '']
INDEX = [1000000000, 1000000, 1000, 1]
def helper(num):
if num < 20:
return LESS_THAN_20[num]
elif num < 100:
# 注意要判斷helper回傳是否為空
n = helper(num%10)
return TEN[num//10] + ' ' + n if n else TEN[num//10]
n = helper(num%100)
return LESS_THAN_20[num//100] + ' Hundred ' + n \
if n else LESS_THAN_20[num//100] + ' Hundred'
if num == 0: return 'Zero'
result = ''
for i in range(len(INDEX)):
if num//INDEX[i] == 0: continue
result += helper(num//INDEX[i]) + ' ' + THOUSAND[i] + ' '
num %= INDEX[i]
return result.strip()